Banner Ads
I generally hate those
tedious 'Ads by Google'
but to be honest, they
have helped raise about
£60 here so far.
Each time a visitor clicks
on the 'ad', it contributes
about 3p to 5p - go on, click!
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Current fundraisers...
Spend a Penny!
I inherited a large number of bullion bags full of old coins following
the death of my uncle last year. One of these bags has now been
opened and I thought it may be a good fundraising exercise, given the
bag contains mint 1966 One Penny coins, to flog them off via eBay.
ALL of the dosh will be donated to the Alzheimer's Society - quite
fitting really as my aunt is in the final stages of dementia and has
been living in a care home since my uncle died.
Essentially, whatever the excuse - 40th Anniversary of England winning
the World Cup, celebrating the year the 101 was first sketched out on
a scrap of paper somewhere in Solihull - you're making a donation to
the Alzheimer's Society - which is a very, very worthy cause, and
getting a free, uncirculated, untouched mint condition Penny to thank
you :-)
My aim, having put 1,966 of them on eBay is to raise...
... £1,966 pounds. Please click the 'buy it now', and I'll shower you
with praise RIGHT HERE :-)
I've had a number of questions from people who'd prefer not to pay with PayPal.
This is actually quite good as it helps raise a little more by saving the PayPal fees.
You can order direct by sending a cheque (drawn on a UK bank or building society) to:
Martyn Bailey - Poggle Wood - One Parkfield Place - Sheffield - S2 4TH
Please mark your envolope "Charity Penny" and state how you would like your name credited.
You can also 'Buy it Now' on eBay - but don't pay there and then.
I can generate an 'invoice' from eBay, just send me a cheque.